This blog is basically for show you your favourites fashion blogs or celebrities style.
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Skins series 6

Hello there! It's been a long time since my last post, I really let this blog off duty but now I'm back.
If you haven't noticed I've changed the blog's name, I realised that I love a blog with more things than fashion so this is kind of my diary. Here it is the new blog name: "Dear Diary".
Today I'm here for tell you that my fav series is back, Skins, with their 6 series which follow the "third generation" aired last Monday on E4. I think Skins is awesome, I don't know why but I always love the characters stories and you, have you ever watched Skins? Which one is your favorite generation and character? Here some Skins 6 photos and trailer of episode 6.01- "Everyone".
I'm posting soon, xo.
Episode One:


  1. It's been a long long time,my life still the same ,school, exams, hang out.. how is yours? im so happy to see ya again :D
    By the way i LOVE skins , i have seen the 1 and 2 generation but i didn't know if i should start the 3, i mean i was in love with Cris and then i fall for Cook , but i have seen pictures of 3 generation and i'm not sure if i'll like it.. Do you recomend it?
    See you! xx

  2. I have a problem with this series hahaha I'm totally obsessed hahaha! X


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